Saturday, January 14, 2006

Aasavas - Outflows - Triggers

Aasavas - Outflows - Triggers.

Four ways to trigger off Aasavas.

•1) Sense desires: Seeing a 'Self' where there is no 'Self'. E.g.. in other people; in one's own self.

•2) Views about a 'Self', conceit: I am > another,
I am < another,
I am = another.

•3) Bavana developments: Strong desire to teach latest insight. Conceit: I am >, I am<, I am =.

•4) Delusion, false assumptions or conclusions.

Dullness is a cause for jumping to false conclusions. And is a traditional characteristic of ignorance, illustrated by a pig icon in 'Wheel of Life' tankas.

Seeing a 'Self' where there is no 'Self'. E.g.. in other people; in one's own self.

Just enough for knowing & remembering.

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